DSA-info 7-2023 UNSCEARs Fukushima- rapport og DSA sin rolle
I 2021 ga UNSCEAR ut en publikasjon om den radioaktive forurensningen og konsekvensene av strålingseksponeringen på grunn av atomulykken ved Fukushima Daiichi kjernekraftverk i 2011. Rapporten er en oppdatering av en innledende vurdering fra nesten et tiår tidligere. Fagfolk fra DSA bidro i arbeidet med den nye vurderingen.
DSA rapport 05:2022 ICRER pre-conference online event
Denne rapporten inneholder et sammendrag av presentasjonene, diskusjonene og konklusjonene fra et nettbasert arrangement som ble holdt i juni 2021 for å gi innspill til den 5. internasjonale konferansen om radioøkologi og miljøradioaktivitet.
DSA Report 8:2020 Norwegian National Report to the Joint Convention, 2020
National Report of the Kingdom of Norway to the seventh Review Meeting of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, prepared in accordance with Guidelines regarding the form and structure of National Reports
DSA-rapport 13:2020 International Cooperation 2016–2020 – Nuclear safety, Nuclear security, Non-proliferation
Rapporten beskriver internasjonalt samarbeid i perioden 2016-2020, primært fra seksjon Internasjonal atomsikkerhet.
DSA-info 7:2020 10 Years of Collaboration Between The Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and the Polessie State Radiation-Ecology Reserve of Belarus
DSA and the Polessie State Radiation – Ecology Reserve (PSRER) of the Republic of Belarus, the responsible authority for management of the Belarusian exclusion zone, have collaborated actively over the past 10 years with respect to the consequences of the Chernobyl Accident on the territory of Belarus.
DSA-rapport 8:2019 Implementation of the obligations of the Convention on Nuclear Safety in Norway
Norway has signed the Convention on Nuclear Safety and is therefore obliged to report on the status of the nuclear facilities in Norway every third year. This is Norway’s eighth report under the convention.
StrålevernInfo 10:2017 Cooperation between Norway, Slovakia and Ukraine
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, the Slovakian Presidium of the Police Force and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine have cooperated for enhanced detection and interception of illicit Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear materials on the Slovakian-Ukrainian border as a project under Norway Grants.
StrålevernInfo 7:2015 Nuclear safety cooperation between Norway and Romania under Norway Grants
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, the Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control and the International Atomic Energy Agency are enhancing the regulatory competence in Romania. The project started in the end of 2013 and will be completed in 2017.
StrålevernInfo 13:2013 Nuclear safety cooperation between Norway and Romania under EEA and Norway Grants
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, the Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control and the International Atomic Energy Agency have entered into an agreement with the main purpose to enhance regulatory competence in Romania.
StrålevernInfo 12:2013 Atomsikkerhetssamarbeid mellom Norge og Romania med EØS-midler
Statens strålevern sammen med strålevernsmyndigheten i Romania og det internasjonale atomenergibyrået IAEA har inngått en avtale med hovedformål å øke tilsynsmyndighets-kompetansen i Romania.