DSA-rapport 09:2020 Regulatory Cooperation Program between the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russian Federation
Rapporten beskriver resultatene av prosjektene som ble utført mellom 2015 og 2019 under myndighetssamarbeidsprogrammet mellom DSA og Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, med støtte fra Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center. Arbeidet settes i sammenheng med det regulatoriske samarbeidsprogrammet som begynte i 2001.
DSA Report 07-2020 Radioecological Assessment after Potential Accidents with the Russian Nuclear Submarines K-27 and K-159 in the Arctic Marine Environment
The report has considered potential accidents related to the Russian nuclear submarines K-27 and K-159. The radiological assessment is based on a wide set of radionuclides.
DSA-rapport 2:2020 Russian-Norwegian monitoring of radioactive contamination of ground-level air in the border areas - monitoring programs, methods and results
Rapporten beskriver nasjonale metoder for luftovervåking av radioaktiv forurensing og hvilke overvåkingsprogrammer som er implementert i de grensenære områder mellom Norge og Russland.
DSA-info 6:2019 Joint Norwegian-Russian expedition to the sunken nuclear submarine Komsomolets
A joint Norwegian-Russian expedition will visit the sunken Russian nuclear submarine Komsomolets in the summer of 2019, 30 years after it sank in the Norwegian Sea while carrying two nuclear torpedoes. Previous Russian expeditions have shown that releases from the reactor have occurred and the submarine has suffered considerable damage.
DSA-info 7:2019 Norsk-russisk tokt til den sunkne atomubåten Komsomolets i Norskehavet
Det er planlagt et felles norsk-russisk tokt til den sunkne russiske atomubåten Komsomolets i juli 2019, 30 år etter at den sank i Norskehavet med to torpedoer med atomstridshoder om bord. Russiske tokt har tidligere vist at det har vært utslipp av radioaktivitet fra reaktoren, og at ubåten har store skader.
StrålevernInfo 8:2018 10 years of cooperation between NRPA and regulatory authorities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority has successively cooperated with its sister organizations in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for over 10 years in relation to regulatory enhancement for nuclear safety and radiation protection.
StrålevernRapport 5:2018 Ukranian Regulatory Threat Assessment 2017
This report reassess the main nuclear and radiation threats to safety and security in Ukraine from a regulatory perspective and identifies the current main challenges, threats and gaps in the Ukrainian regulatory framework.
StrålevernRapport 4:2018 Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites
Denne rapporten beskriver alle presentasjoner og diskusjoner fra en workshop, som også resulterte i å identifisere videre forskning og samarbeidsbehov. Workshopen ble arrangert av Statens Strålevern, med offisiell støtte fra IAEA, NEA og ICRP . Målet med seminaret var å dele erfaringer om praktisk regulering av et bredt spekter av atomarv, fra første anerkjennelse gjennom til full oppløsning.
StrålevernInfo 1:2018 The joint Norwegian-Russian Regulatory Cooperation Program regarding remediation of Andreeva Bay
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority is involved in a regulatory cooperation program with the Russian Federation.
StrålevernInfo 2:2018 Norwegian-Ukrainian Regulatory Cooperation Program 2015-2017
The “Ukrainian Regulatory Threat Assessment” report was developed in 2015 within the framework of the Bilateral Agreement on Cooperation in Nuclear and Radiation Safety between the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU)